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LG - 4.5 Cu. Ft. HE Smart Front Load Washer and 7.4 Cu. Ft. Gas Dryer WashTower with Built-In Intelligence - Graphite Steel

Full-size and fully featured, with the washer on the bottom and dryer on top, the sleek single unit LG WashTower, giving you room to add a sink, a folding table or whatever you like. But unlike conventional stacked pairs, LGs exclusive Center Control panel is perfectly positioned with both washer and dryer controls at just the right height. Built-in intelli…
Full-size and fully featured, with the washer on the bottom and dryer on top, the sleek single unit LG WashTower, giving you room to add a sink, a folding table or whatever you like. But unlike conventional stacked pairs, LGs exclusive Center Control panel is perfectly positioned with both washer and dryer controls at just the right height. Built-in intelligence makes laundry less of a chore by taking out the guesswork, while top-of-the-line innovations put advanced cleaning power within reach.
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Full-size and fully featured, with the washer on the bottom and dryer on top, the sleek single unit LG WashTower, giving you room to add a sink, a folding table or whatever you like. But unlike conventional stacked pairs, LGs exclusive Center Control panel is perfectly positioned with both washer and dryer controls at just the right height. Built-in intelligence makes laundry less of a chore by taking out the guesswork, while top-of-the-line innovations put advanced cleaning power within reach.